The Febuary 2009 ThatCrack mixtape DJ of the month is DJ Pimp

"We at thatcrack mixtapes have decided to do a mixtape DJ of the month competiton,the four nominees were chosen based on number of tapes released,covers,drops,and over all hustle. We had a poll on the side of thatcrack that was open to all voting for the 4 DJs that we decided did the most work for the month of Febuary. We will continue this competion thru out the year, it will start on the 20th of every month and end on the first day of the next month. The voting was very close Only 20 votes separated all the nominees at the end. I think based on how many votes we got compared to the thousands that come to thatcrack everyday alot of our visitors did not notice the voting poll. But we believe that it will get more intense as we keep the competion going. The Febuary 2009 ThatCrack mixtape DJ of the month is DJ Pimp. He will receive a trophy from thatcrack which we will show on this site when we get a picture of it. Congratulations to all the nominees and congratulations to DJ Pimp."

Thanks to all poeple who voted for me!!

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